Core Dispatch Workflows

Our core dispatching feature that is built for many different dispatching scenarios and verticals is totally FREE.

  • Features

    • Drag & Drop form designer
    • Custom attribute managment
    • QR Code worksheets and printables
    • Roles and permissions based
    • Data exports and reporting

Key Screenshots

Dispatch Board

Easily identify your team members and the workflows assigned to them. Drill into the trip for more information. Sort the dispatch board by column and filter as required.

Dispatch Board Example

Form Designer

Drag and drop form designer allows organizations to mimic paper documents and create methods for electronic data collection. Drag components like text, numbers, range, signatures, select (dropdowns) just to name a few. Dispatch Form Designer

Custom Attribute Assignment

Create trackable fields for your core data objects, like dispatch, landmarks, catalog, customer etc. These feature allows your team to custom the forms and entry screens to match your business requirements. Dispatch Custom Attributes

QR Code Worksheet

Print driver workflow sheets so drivers can view their task list. Drivers can scan the QR Code and navigate to the online form to populate the forms built using the drag and drop form designer. Dispatch QR Code Worksheet